The internet has undoubtedly become an essential part of our lives. We rely on the internet to do a lot of tasks. It helps in completing numerous tasks easily and conveniently with just a few clicks. The governments of various countries are putting in efforts to make the internet features accessible to people who suffer from physical challenges. This initiative helps the disabled people to use the electronic media and websites just like normal people.  

In order to prohibit any kind of discrimination against individuals with disabilities, ADA i.e. Americans with Disabilities Act was introduced in 1990. The act enforces the businesses and nonprofit service organizations to develop websites that can be accessed by disabled people. The act binds the web designers and web developers to include such features while website development that complies with the ADA guidelines. Let us have a look at these guidelines.

ADA Accessibility Guidelines for Website Designing

  • The web developer should provide a text alternative for non-text content.
  • The video or audio must have a textual transcript providing sufficient information.
  • The web designer must provide alternative ways to users to navigate the website by including links and other different techniques.
  • The web page design should be keyboard responsive i.e. all the features on the website can be accessed through the keyboard.
Website Design should be ADA Compliant
Website Designing should be ADA Compliant
  • Web design must have compatibility with assistive technologies.
  • The web page design must have input assistance on the website to help the user correct the mistake and display the errors in the form of text.
  • The tables on the website must have data row and column header rightly identified.
  • Use a standard code of Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) to create a website.
  • Create a website that is easy to maintain and has consistent page layout.
  • Create content on the website that can be presented in different forms without any loss of information.
  • Provide a link on the website for the disabled person to download different plug-ins.
  • Above are the few points that the web developer should adhere to while making a website that is accessible by the people suffering from a disability. ADA focuses on users who are deaf, blind and have other types of disability. The web designer should take constant feedback of people listed in ADA and rectify the difficulties faced by the user.

Creating the website adhering to ADA accessibility guidelines is a difficult task. Such website creation requires high level of expertise, skills and professionalism. Infojini is a web designing company that creates the website for the commercial businesses and government  organizations, fulfilling the guidelines of ADA. Our professionals possess high set of skills and qualification required for addressing accessibility requirements for website development. We create a website that suits the business and user’s needs. Having served many clients globally, it would be our pleasure to develop a website for your business needs. Email is on or on phone 410-919-9440 for any query.

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