Choosing the right set of fonts for the content on your website is as important as developing targeted content for customer acquisition. The choice of correct font is important for every website design company mainly for two main reasons i.e. readability as well as design of website architecture and flow.

Readability suggests the ease with which a visitor can find the content that he/she is looking for. A well-defined structural design includes thoughtful inclusion of the font, use of bullets, placement of sub-heads, alignment etc. to contribute positively to the users experience. If you’ve been contemplating to offer your clients the best fonts, here’s a wonderful list of best fonts for 2018 you must check out.

Popular Fonts of 2018!


The Harriet font can be best described as a toned-down version of the popular font Monotype Corsiva. While it borrows the grace and curves of the beautiful font, it leaves out the unreadable features. Harriet, unlike Monotype Corsiva, is still well readable under bold and small font size.

Harriet - Trending Font of 2018
Harriet – One of the Trending Fonts of 2018


Anton is the classic revived version of the monotonous Times New Roman font. It does not contain the grace and curves of the Harriet but has a sense of sincerity to it. The font is perfect for delivering pertinent information in the most formal manner. It looks great in a bold and underlined version. The contemporary looks of the font invoke a sense of seriousness required to deliver a staunch and direct message like a statistical figure or a fact.

Anton Font
Anton Font


The Bitter strikes the perfect balance between Harriet and Anton. One can easily use the font to deliver a message in a semi-formal tone. This font is perfect for delivery of content that suggests warm yet formal regards from one professional to another.

Bitter Font
Bitter Font


Ogg is a widely popular fonts for designers and is used in book covers and movie titles. Ogg looks great in combination with a semi-formal font like Bitter. The combination of these two fonts as a heading and a subheading, or a title and a sub-title looks great for event posters.

Ogg Font
Ogg Font

Sigmar One

If you would like to go on a funky spree with the content, you might want to try out the Sigmar One font. This font, available only in the Caps Lock (Capitalized) version is perfect for a fun-filled title. It goes well with multiple colors at the same time. The most popular way of using this font is coloring the adjacent letters with different colors to invoke a sense of freshness into the content.

Sigmar One Font
Sigmar One Font

Domaine Display

The Domaine Display font invokes the characteristic way of writing the letter ‘a’ in the way it was supposed to be written, that is, with a sense of curviness and boldness. The font is perfect for lengthy pieces of content since it is easy on the eyes with a lot of space between the letters. Also, the upright position of the letters in the font makes it highly readable without straining the eyes of the reader.

Domaine Display Font
Domaine Display Font

Indie Flower

If your aim is to invoke a sense of happiness in the minds of your readers, you must go with the natural flow offered by the Indie Flower font. The childlike essence that one gets while reading this font makes it perfect for a children’s book. So, if your target audience is under the age of 15, this should be one of the top font priorities for you.

Indie Flower Font
Indie Flower Font

Font trends for 2018 indicate some more fonts that we think will add a flair to your content for web modernization. These include Playfair Display, Roboto, and Lobster too. Above-mentioned are few of the best fonts for designers that our experts recommend to present your content in the right way. However, your final choice should mainly depend on your target audience, demographic profile as well as personal likes and dislikes.

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