In today’s time blind hiring is popularly considered as a powerful tool for removing bias hiring and promoting diversity in the workforce. So what exactly is blinding hiring and what are its benefits?

Blind Hiring – An Introduction

Blind recruitment means excluding applicant’s personal information like name, age, gender, experience and educational details from the resume. The goal is to judge potential hires exclusively depending on their abilities. This is done by going through their past works and test performance.

A number of small and mid-size companies in the US and UK have integrated this type of hiring into their process. Instead of collecting CV, they are giving preference to candidate’s work samples and assessments. In fact big companies like BBC, KPMG, HSBC and Deloitte are considering eliminating all personal data from their process and hire only on the basis of candidate’s skills.

Blind Hiring & Its Advantages
Blind Hiring & Its Advantages

What are the benefits of Blind Hiring?

  1. Unveils true talent – According to hiring managers blind hiring helps in unveiling true talent due to the absence of diverting factors viz. candidate’s personal identifiers – previous employer’s name, candidates age, name, gender and educational information etc.
  2. Depicts work skills – Evaluation on the basis of candidate’s scores and tests mirror their work skills and abilities, which is what companies need to know about the candidate.
  3. Long stay – Employees hired using testing tended to stay on the job longer and were less likely to be fired. In other words, the candidates recruited through blind hiring were the right match. This is because they are hired purely on the basis of their talent and skills that’s needed to accomplish the goals.
  4. Encourage diversity – Blind Hiring encourages diversity by ensuring that the most capable and talented applicants get hired, regardless of their color, sex, ethnicity or religion.

Are you a blind hiring advocator or opponent? Why? Share your views in the comment box below.

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