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Infojini appraised at CMMI Level 3!

Staff Augmentation for Light Industrial Client

Staff Augmentation for Light Industrial Client

One of our oldest manufacturing clients based in Chicago (and its suburbs) needed a rapid-ramp up in production. Owing to surge in customer demand they required 50+ workers from different specializations including assembly line workers, material handlers, forklift operators, welders, machinists, CNC workers, packers, administrative assistants, team leaders, and more.

While our database had a good passive pool it wasn’t enough to meet such a huge demand in this short time-frame. To meet the client’s demands we had to implement the traditional sourcing practices as well as think out-of-the-box.

Download the Case Study to find out how Infojini collaborated with different schools & skilled-trades associations to hire 50+ workers from different specializations in 5 weeks!



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