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Infojini appraised at CMMI Level 3!

Customer Support Case Study

Customer Support Case Study

Customer Support Case Study Summary

One of our Financial Services clients in New York was facing attrition of customer support professionals and was finding it tough to maintain the ideal support turnaround time. The client dealt with financial products and their support center operated in a high call volume environment 24*7. As a customer-centric company in rapid growth mode, the client couldn’t afford slow resolution and long average speed of answer.

With several experienced support workers leaving the profile in the past few months and the shortage of skilled professionals that could solve queries in a speedy manner, the client requested us to prepare a sustainable support setup. These were the client’s four main concerns:

• Prepare a robust and responsive customer support ecosystem
• Improve support turn-around time for customers
• Setup robust policies to retain the top performers
• Achieve higher customer satisfaction through better ASA (Average Speed to Answer)

Find out how Infojini partnered with community colleges and local meet-ups in New York to hire young graduates for our client. Our 2-weeks transition program and customized screening helped the client bring down the ASA from 5 minutes to 238 seconds (3min 58s).


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