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Infojini's staffing and IT consulting services are appraised at CMMI Level 3!

Hiring Salesforce Developers for an IT Client

Hiring Salesforce Developers for an IT Client

Salesforce Developers for an IT Client

One of our IT clients in California with multiple service delivery centers across the US was looking to digitize its marketing and sales processes using Salesforce implementation. The client needed developers, consultants, architects, and administrators that could use the iterative scrum approach for the implementation. The client was specifically looking for resources with knowledge of Lightning, Heroku, and Fuel.

Since the Salesforce demand far outweighs the current talent pool, our client was finding it difficult to get the implementation project up and running. As the traditional job boards and technology platforms weren’t suffice to meet these needs, the client was looking for local recruiting expertise and an innovative sourcing solution that could help them reduce the time-to-hire.

Find out how Infojini utilized its dedicated emerging tech recruitment team, direct sourcing platform, and referral marketing strategy to source quality Salesforce developers.


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