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Infojini appraised at CMMI Level 3!

Staffing Solutions for Healthcare

Staffing Solutions for Healthcare

A leading healthcare provider in Pennsylvania had approached Infojini for hiring qualified and experienced nurses to provide top quality care service to the residents, faster. Their main challenge was increasing attrition rate and the shortage of care providers (nurses).

Through our comprehensive recruiting process, we placed 37 nurses in 2 months at the hospital who were hired on a two-year contract. We offered them complete healthcare staffing solutions – pre and post recruitment services.

The result was outstanding. The hospital’s overall attrition rate dropped from 22.25% (2016) to 9.20% (2017). The client has experienced a 43% reduction in overall cost.

In this case study, you’ll know how we helped them maximize their returns. Download the case study now; its free!


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